Ssh poor-man’s-vpn on android


  1. Install Termux app on android

  2. In termux install openssh pkg i -y openssh

  3. ssh into server using dynamic port forwarding ssh user@server -D12345

  4. Install Firefox Beta on android (as of now, plain Firefox doesn’t support configuring with about:config)

  5. Open Firefox Beta, and go to about:config

  6. Search proxy

  7. Look for and set the following properties:

    network.proxy.allow_hijacking_localhost: true
    network.proxy.socks: localhost
    network.proxy.socks_port: 12345
    network.proxy.type: 1

    make sure network.proxy.socks_port matches with the port in the ssh command above

  8. Done!, you are now navigating through the ssh server on Firefox

Full instructions using ssh-keys


  1. Open Termux and run ssh user@server -D12345 (or just press Up+Enter if you have run this command previously)
  2. Navigate using the proxy-configured Firefox
  3. Done!, your traffic is going through the server

Setup Android


  1. Install Termux

  2. Configure ssh client by running the following commands:

    # Ask for storage permission
    termux-setup-storage &&
    # Install openssh
    apt update && apt upgrade -y &&
    apt install -y openssh &&
    # Generate an SSH key
    ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -f ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa &&
    # Set a password for the private key
    # Get public key
    echo -e '\nCopy the following public key:' &&
    cat ~/.ssh/
  3. (Optional) If you have access to the server with ssh, then run:

    ssh-copy-id user@server

    If not, you need to manually add the public key to the server. This is explained below in the Setup server section


  1. Install Firefox Beta - normal firefox might work if you can access to about:config

  2. Open Firefox and go to the url about:config, search proxy and set the following configurations:

    network.proxy.allow_hijacking_localhost: true
    network.proxy.socks: localhost
    network.proxy.socks_port: 12345
    network.proxy.type: 1

    make sure network.proxy.socks_port matches with the port used in the ssh command in the Usage section

Setup server

If you succesfully run the command ssh-copy-id there’s nothing to do here.
But if not, you need to manually add the public key generated:

echo 'public key' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys